Terms and Condition


  • All reservations are billed to clients’ credit cards or corporate account numbers.
  • Skyline Worldwide Transportation accepts all major credit cards: American express, Discover card, Master-card and Visa card.
  • A 20% gratuity will be billed to all reservations plus 15% fuel charges and Admin Fee applies to all services.Gratuity is calculated on the base fare, stop, wait time and holidays surcharges that will be added and itemized on the client billing statement
  • All published rates are subject to change without any notice.
  • All rates are calculated in local currency and billed in US dollars at prevailing exchange rate.
  • Applicable taxes will be charged as required.
  • Skyline Worldwide Transportation chauffeurs are prohibited from soliciting gratuities.
  • Skyline Worldwide Transportation requires credit card imprint OR credit card authorization form to prevent fraudulent activity.
The following additional charges will be itemized on the customer billing statement when applicable:
Two way tolls, Stops, Parking, Meet and Greet, Airport fees, Cell phone usage and Early and late pick up charges and other surcharges that cannot be calculated prior to service are not included in the estimate.

Airports and Train Stations Arrival:

  • Domestic Flights: At luggage carousel (where permitted).
  • International Flights: Outside of Custom
  • Train Stations and Airports Curbside: Upon arrival call at +1(866)787-3318 to meet your chauffeur at the second curb.
    Domestic flights 30 minutes grace period and International flights 45 minutes grace period from flight arrival time are given to all clients. After that applicable waiting time will be charged.
    If a client is unable to locate his/her chauffeur, it is their responsibility to call the 24-hours Dispatch Department at +1(866)787-3318 to locate your chauffeur.
    If a client leaves without any communication with Skyline Worldwide Transportation staff will consider NO SHOW and will be a Full charge.
    For train stations pick-ups, Skyline Worldwide Transportation does not monitor train schedules therefore waiting time begins at scheduled pick up time

Waiting Time and Stops:

Sedan: Ten minutes grace period is given for all other pickups locations after that applicable waiting time will be charged in fifteen minutes increments. All other vehicles are subject to be charged based on their terms and conditions.

  • For train stations pick-ups,Skyline Worldwide Transportation does not monitor trains. Waiting time begins at scheduled pick up time.
  • Passenger request stops en route during point-to-point reservation will be charged $20.00 to $30.00 per stop for a maximum of 10 minutes.
  • Hourly Services: All Sedan reservations are billed in thirty minutes increments with a three hours minimum in the Washington D.C Metropolitan area.

    • All other vehicle reservations are subject to their terms and conditions.
    • Time-based rides are subject to a fixed positioning charge that represents the cost incurred for the vehicle and chauffeur to travel to your pick up location and to return from your drop-off point. All positioning charges are fixed according to vehicle type.
    • All non-sedan time-based reservations are billed as a full hour increment.


    Garage-to-Garage means charges are calculated by applying the applicable hourly rate commencing from the time the chauffeur departs the garage to begin service and continues through such time the chauffeur concludes service and returns to the garage. The minimum number of billable hours appears in the estimate, however does not always reflect the exact number of billable hours. For services in Europe, Asia a kilometer charge will also apply.


    For any changes please call at +1(866)787-3318 between the hours of 6:00-am to 11:59pm. Any changes or cancellations made after 12:00am via email or phone will not be accepted.

    Cancellations are accepted by phone and email only. Emailed cancellations will be valid once Skyline Worldwide Transportation has acknowledged such email.

    Sedans: 3 hours prior notice is required for cancellation in DC-VA-MD and all other states 24 hours notice is required in order to avoid late cancellation charges (Some restrictions and cancellation fees may apply)

    SUV: 6 hours prior notice is required for cancellation in DC-VA-MD and all other states 24 hours notice is required in order to avoid late cancellation charges (Some restrictions and cancellation fees may apply)

    Vans: 48 hours prior notice is required for cancellation. Cancellation made after the specified time will result in a full charge. a 20% deposit is required at the time of making a reservation is nonrefundable.

    Limousine, Minibus, Party Bus: 72 hours (3 days) prior notice is required for cancellation of limousines and minibusses. Cancellation made after the specified time will result in a full charge. a 50% deposit is required at the time of making a reservation is nonrefundable.

    Motor Coach: : 1-week prior notice is required for the cancellation of a motorcoach. Cancellation made after the specified time will result in a full charge. a 50% deposit is required at the time of making a reservation is nonrefundable.

    No Show: For point to point transfer and hourly service a fee equal to the fare, gratuity and wait time will be charged when the client does not show at the pre-arranged pickup location.

    If for any reason having trouble finding your chauffeur please call our toll free number +1(866)787-3318 and our dispatcher will help you locate the driver. If a client leaves without informing the company without any communication it will be considered a No Show (FULL CHARGE).


    Renter shall pay for all damages caused by authorized renter or anyone of renter party during the rental period of the limousine.
    Other Events Agreement and Liability:

    • Client agrees that there will be no smoking in our vehicles
    • Client assures that no illegal drugs are brought into our vehicles.
    • Clients are not allowed alcoholic beverages in our minibuses. Any fines will be paid for by the client.
    • Client agrees that the passenger’s capacity of the vehicle provided shall not be exceeded.
    • In case of misconduct by your party, chauffeur has the right to terminate this agreement without any refunds s (if there is blatant indiscretion on the part of the client(s))
    • It is Illegal to stand through the sunroof.
    • A sick policy is also in effect for any one who gets sick in our vehicles and will be charged an additional $250.00 (maintenance fee).
    • Skyline Worldwide Transportation reserves the rights to deduct a minimum of $250.00 for any necessary cleaning or damage to the vehicle beyond normal wear and tear
    • DO NOT pay cash to the driver unless the cash payment has been pre-arranged.


    Skyline Worldwide Transportation shall not be liable for any delays, service interruptions, damages caused by mother nature, strike riots, authorities of laws, public enemies, hazards or dangers caused by state of war, quarantine, perils of navigations, inclement weather, hazardous road conditions, accidents, break down or any other condition beyond its control.
    Skyline Worldwide Transportation shall not be responsible for any personal items left behind. Please make sure to take all your personal belongings before the ride ends.

    Any immediate or future reservations made directly with the driver are NOT acceptable. Always call the office directly at +1(866)787-3318 to schedule upcoming trips.

    Skyline Worldwide Transportation is committed to provide you with the best possible travel experience. Please review reservation confirmations sent via email prior to the pickup in order to avoid any error for any question or changes please call at +1(866)787-3318

    Skyline Worldwide Transportation reserves the right to change its terms and conditions at any time without giving prior notice.Any terms and conditions not included on this page are subject to the sole discretion of Skyline Worldwide Transportation.

    Unauthorized use of this site or its content is not allowed without written consent from Skyline Worldwide Transportation.All contents and images are copyright.

    An explanation of the terms and conditions which apply to your use of this web site.
    1. Acceptance
    Use of the Skyline Worldwide Transportation website at www.skylineworldwidetrans.com (collectively, the “web site”) and the on-line reservation services (the “services”) provided by Skyline Worldwide Transportation are subject to the terms and conditions of use set forth below (“terms of use”), which include the privacy policy set forth in our online privacy policy and incorporated into these terms of use by reference. please read these terms of — use carefully before using the web site or the services. by using the web site or the services, you agree to these terms of — use. If an individual is using the web site on behalf of a business entity, whether as an employee, consultant or agent of such business entity, by doing so, such individual represents that they have the legal capacity and authority to bind such business entityto the terms of — use. “you” shall refer both to the individual accessing the web site on behalf of a business entity, if any, and any such business entity itself. if you do not agree to these terms of — use, do not — use the web site or the services. Skyline Worldwide Transportation may change these terms of — use from time to time without notice, and such changes will be effective on the date they are posted on the web site. — use of the web site after such changes have been posted constitutes your acceptance of all such changes.
    2. Use of the web site and the services
    you may only use the web site and the services in accordance with the terms of use, any posted policies and procedures that appear on the web site, and for lawful purposes. you agree not to use the web site to:
    (a) transmit any material that infringes or misappropriate any third party’s copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, or other proprietary rights,
    (b) transmit any material
    that is false, inaccurate, fraudulent, or misleading,
    (c) distribute computer viruses, worms, or software intended to damage or alter a computer system without the owner’s consent,
    (d) use “auto-responders,” “cancel-bots,” or other similar mechanisms that generate excessive network traffic,
    (e) transmit any unlawful, harmful, defamatory, pornographic, obscene, vulgar, threatening, harassing or otherwise objectionable material,
    (f) send or relay any unsolicited advertising or chain letters,
    (g) exceed your permitted access or attempt to gain unauthorized access to the web site or any part thereof, or other accounts, computer systems or networks connected to the web site, through login password mining or any other means,
    (h) frame any portions of the web site within another web site or establish links from any other web site to any page of the web site other than the home page or
    (i) resell use of, or access to, the web site or the services to any third party without Skyline Worldwide Transportation prior written consent. Skyline Worldwide Transportation reserves the right to terminate your access to the web site or
    services at any time without notice if it determines, in its sole discretion, that you have abused or violated any of these terms and conditions.
    3. id number, password and security
    you are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of any user id and/or password provided to you by Skyline Worldwide Transportation for use in connection with the web site or the services. you are solely responsible for all activities that occur under your user id and/or password, and you agree to notify Skyline Worldwide Transportation immediately of any unauthorized use of your user id and/or password or any other breach of security related to the web site.Skyline Worldwide Transportation will not be liable for any loss or damage arising from your failure to safeguard your — user id and/or password or to comply with this section.
    4. Services
    Skyline Worldwide Transportation provision to you of the services may be subject to other terms, conditions and restrictions set forth on the web site or otherwise communicated in writing to you by Skyline Worldwide Transportation, including via email. The services are subject to availability
    and all price quotes are estimates. please refer to the frequently asked questions page for more information.
    5. Proprietary rights
    The web site, certain content therein, the services and any underlying software may be protected by copyright, trademark, patent, and/or other intellectual property and proprietary rights laws and are owned (along with all proprietary rights therein) by Skyline Worldwide Transportation international and its licensors. you agree that you will not copy, distribute, republish, display, post, transmit, download, or modify any content you obtain from the web site without Skyline Worldwide Transportation prior permission; provided, however, that you may download or print a copy of information from the web for your use in learning about, reserving, or using the services.
    6. Warranty Disclaimer
    the web site, the services, and any information provided through the web site are provided by Skyline Worldwide Transportation on an “as is” basis, and neither Skyline Worldwide Transportation nor its subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, vendors or subcontractors make any representations or warranties of any kind, express or implied, as to the operation of the web site or services or the information made available by or through the web site or the services. in addition,Skyline Worldwide Transportation disclaims all warranties, express or implied, statutory and non-statutory, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, accuracy of information, title, quiet enjoyment, fitness for a particular purpose and non-infringement, or any warranty arising from course of dealing or custom of trade. neither Skyline Worldwide Transportation nor any of its subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, vendors or subcontractors warrants that — use of the web site will be uninterrupted, available at any time or from any particular location, secure or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the website is free of vir– uses or other potentially harmful components. some jurisdictions may no allow the exclusion of certain warranties, so some of the above exclusions may not apply to you.
    7. Limitation of liability
    in no event will Skyline Worldwide Transportation , any of its subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, vendors or subcontractors, including their respective officers, directors, employees or agents, be liable for indirect, incidental, special, punitive or consequential damages (including without limitation those resulting from lost profits, lost data or business interruption) arising out of the — use of or inability to — use the web site, the services, or any websites linked to the web site, whether based on contract, tort or other legal theory, and regardless of whether Skyline Worldwide Transportation knew or was advised of the possibility of such damages.Skyline Worldwide Transportation aggregate liability for direct damages arising from or relating to the web site or the services (regardless of the ca– use of action, whether under contract, tort, or other legal theory) is limited to the greater of
    (i) the amount paid by the — user to Skyline Worldwide Transportation for the specific service that is the subject of the dispute or
    (ii) $50. the foregoing limitations of liability are independent of, and shall apply regardless of, any failure of essential purpose of any limited or exclusive remedy. you acknowledge that Skyline Worldwide Transportation has agreed to provide the web site and the services in reliance on the exclusions of liability and disclaimers of warranty set forth herein. some jurisdictions do not allow the limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may not apply to you.
    8. Indemnification
    You agree to indemnify and hold Skyline Worldwide Transportation , its subsidiaries, partners, affiliates, vendors, subcontractors, officers, employees, and agents harmless from any and all losses, liabilities, damages and/or costs (including reasonable attorneys’ fees) arising from any third-party claims arising from or related to your use of the web site, the services or your violation of the terms of use.
    9. Communications with Skyline Worldwide Transportation
    Any communication or material you transmit to us by email or otherwise, including any data, questions, comments, suggestions, or the like is, and will be treated as, non-confidential and non-proprietary. except to the extent expressly covered by our privacy policy, anything you transmit or post may be used by us for any purpose, including but not limited to, reproduction, disclosure, transmission, publication, broadcast and posting. furthermore, you expressly agree that we are free to use any ideas, concepts, know-how, or techniques contained in any communication you send to us without compensation and for any purpose whatsoever, including but not limited to, developing, manufacturing and marketing products and services using such information
    10. Privacy
    Skyline Worldwide Transportation takes the privacy of you and your information very seriously. For further information about what information we collect and how we use such information, please view our privacy policy
    11. Severability
    if any part of these terms of use shall be held or declared to be invalid or unenforceable for any reason by any court of competent jurisdiction, such provision shall be ineffective but shall not affect any other part of these terms of use.
    12. Waiver Remedies
    The failure of Skyline Worldwide Transportation to partially or fully exercise any rights or the waiver of Skyline Worldwide Transportation of any breach of these terms of use by you, shall not prevent a subsequent exercise of such right by Skyline Worldwide Transportation or be deemed a waiver by Skyline Worldwide Transportation of any subsequent breach by you of the same or any other term of these terms of use. the rights and remedies of Skyline Worldwide Transportation under these terms of use and any other applicable agreement between you and Skyline Worldwide Transportation shall be cumulative, and the exercise of any such right or remedy shall not limit Skyline Worldwide Transportation right to exercise any other right or remedy
    13. International access
    This web site and service is provided from the united states of america and all servers that make it available reside in the u.s.a. the laws of other countries may differ regarding the access and use of the web site and service. We make no representations regarding the legality of this web site and service in any other country and it is your responsibility to ensure that your use complies with all applicable laws outside of the u.s.a.
    14. Governing law
    The laws of the state of Maryland shall govern these terms of use. subject to the arbitration provision, you hereby expressly consent to exclusive jurisdiction and venue in the courts located in Maryland County, Maryland for all matters arising in connection with these terms of — use or your access or — use of the web site or service.
    15. Force majeure
    Skyline Worldwide Transportation shall not be responsible for damages caused by delay or failure to perform, in full or in part, any of its obligations in connection with the web site or services, provided that there is due diligence in attempted performance under the circumstances and that such delay or failure is due to fire, earthquake, unusually severe weather, strikes, government sanctioned embargo, flood, act of god, act of war or terrorism, act of any public authority or sovereign government, civil disorder, delay or destruction caused by public carrier, or any other circumstance substantially beyond the control of Skyline Worldwide Transportation.
    16. Entire agreement
    These terms of use and the other policies and terms set forth on the web site set forth the entire agreement between you and Skyline Worldwide Transportation on this subject matter and supersede all other negotiations, understandings, statements and agreements between the parties.


    should you have any questions regarding these terms of use you may contact us at contact@skylineworldwidetrans.com. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Skyline Worldwide Transportation is under no obligation to provide end-user technical support for the service.